There are many resources that can help you on your recovery journey. Such resources range from websites on the Internet and other self-help books to professional therapists, medications, and treatment programs.
You are the sole judge of whether any listed resources are of value. We have selected them based on our experiences at BlueSky Behavioral Health and on the experiences of other people who have shared them with us. Feel free to pick and choose as you see fit.
There are many informative websites that contain useful information on borderline, addictive, and psychotraumatic issues. at your disposal. Here is a list of recommended sites to checkout.
- The American Self-Help Clearinghouse: This self-help site provides a directory of self-help groups, organized by type of problem, that are throughout the United States.
- The National Mental Health Consumers Self-Help Clearinghouse: an additional resource also geared towards recovery and mental health practices.
- The National Families in Action: provides a wide range of information on drugs and their effects and dangers.
Besides The Angry Heart, there are several other books we can recommend to aid your recovery. The following book recommendations are organized by problem.
General Introduction to Borderline Disorder
Kreisman, Jerold, and Hal Strarus. 1991. I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me.
This is a very good general nonthreatening overview of borderline personality disorder. Good, easy read for you and other people that you would educate on borderline setbacks.
Adams, Caren, and Jennifer Fay. 1989. Free of the Shadows: Recovering from Sexual Violence.
Written for individuals whose lives have been affected by sexual violence. A very helpful book.
Middleton-Moz Jane. 1989. Children of Trauma: Rediscovering Your Discarded Self.
This book focuses on the effects of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. It will help the reader to overcome the grief and sense of loss that accompany such abuse.
Alcohol/Drug/Sex Addiction
Fanning, Patrick, and John T. O’Neill. 1996. The Addiction Workbook.
This workbook provides information about addiction and offers step-by-step directions on how to quit.
Washton, Arnold, and Nannetee Stone-Washton. 1991. Step Zero: Getting to Recovery.
Explains the concept of step zero, the Precontemplation stage, when an individual drops their defenses and begins to admit to their addiction.
Self-Injury Addiction
Alderman, Tracy. 1997. The Scarred Soul: Understanding and Ending Self-Inflicted Violence.
This book is for victims of self-inflicted violence and teaches people what they can do to stop hurting themselves, either through psychotherapy or by taking steps to break the habit on their own.
Copeland, Mary Ellen. 1992. The Depression Workbook.
Teaches readers how to understand depression and what to do to empower themselves to overcome it.
Potter-Efron, Ron. 1994. Angry All The Time.
A helpful book for strategies on how to control a bad temper. Provides readers with eight steps for effective anger management.
Dayton, Tian. 1992. Daily Affirmations for Forgiving and Moving On.
This book offers positive affirmations to assist readers to move past pain, grief, and resentment, and move on with life.
It is important to note these are just a few of our recommended book titles and websites. For additional recommendations connect with one of our BlueSky Behavioral team leaders today. At BlueSky, we know there is an exuberant amount of educational content at your disposal. Jump start your recovery and allow us to find the most relevant and relatable content for you and your health journey.
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